Warning: Contains Spoilers Per Episode

Season 4, Episode 3 - "The Harsh Light of Day" Ahhh! Spike returns!! How long I've waited for him to come back on Buffy! I've read awhile ago he would be back in Epi 3 and it finally came. Anyway. Let's see... so, Spike comes back to Sunnydale in search of this gem thing that will make it so he can never be staked or in the sunlight. But he comes back with a vampire HARMONY! And it's obvious he's still not over Drusilla (aww they are so meant to be, I want Dru to come back) and Harmony was starting to bug him. (By the end of the epi, they are pretty much broken up, and even though she was kind of an annoying vampire, I felt bad for her at the end.. when she, Buffy, and Anya are all walking seperate ways, miserable about their boyfriends and non-boyfriends.) Well, he wasn't in my favorite Spike mood.. I have to admit I liked him better drunk in Lovers' Walk. I hate seeing him so mean! I know. I know. He's a vampire. But like in the fight scene with Buffy, I was like noo you two hafta ally! Banter, but don't hurt each other too much! Like in Becoming Part 2, I love how they work together but they are still "enemies." But I KNOW all the Spike girls out there musta died when he said, "Love hurts, baby." Let me guess that's gonna go The beginning was the BEST when he was imitating Angel and that woman, that was sooo funny. And the part where he was like, "Look out! Here comes Spike!" I loved how he said that. His accent really comes in at certain lines. I was up there with "Hello cutie" and the rest of those Spike sayings. Haha I love when Parker asked Buffy if she and Spike have ever dated and she just cracks up. I was amused. The Spike cross-over to Angel was really cool.. it actually made Angel INTERESTING! The show, not the character, although he can be pretty boring himself. The one thing about Spike is he is never boring. disappointed Angel destroyed the ring, I wanted Spike to have it, but they shoulda at least kept it some how! Anyway.. Spike really perked up this season, the entire epi was good and I can't wait for more Spike next week! (I hope!!)