Spike Quotes
Spike says the best things. Here are some random Spike-isms, the quote followed by the episode title.
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Spike with his love, Drusilla.
"You were my sire man! You were my...Yoda!" -Spike to Angel, School Hard

"Come on, talk to Daddy. This thing that makes the Slayer weak? When is it?" -Spike to Dru, Halloween

"The bird's dead Dru. You left in a cage, and you didn't feed it, and now it's all dead, just like the last one."
-Spike to Dru, Lie to Me

Spike: "Are you dead set on this, pet? Wouldn't you rather have your party in Vienna?"

Drusilla: "But the invitations are sent." -Surprise

Drusilla: "These flowers... are wrong. They're all... wrong! I can't abide them!"

Spike: "Let's try something different with the flowers then. -Surprise

Drusilla: "I'm naming all the stars."

Spike: "You can't see the stars love, that's the ceiling, also, it's day. " Drusilla: "I can see them. But I've named them all the same name. And there's terrible confusion."

Spike: "Fancy it pet?"

Drusilla: "Ohh, it's beautiful -Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

Angel: "Try to have fun without me."

Spike: "Oh I will. Sooner than you think." -I Only Have Eyes for You

Angelus: "What did the Moon tell you? Did you have a vision? Is something coming?"

Drusilla: "Oh, yeah. Something terrible. Psst, psst, psst, psst, psst, psst..."

Angelus: "Where?"

Drusilla: At the museum. A tomb... with a surprise inside."

Angelus: "You can see all that in your head?"

Spike: "No, you ninny. She read it in the morning paper."

-Becoming, Part I

"It's a big rock. Can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big." -Becoming, Part I

"Someone wasn't worthy." -Becoming, Part I

Spike: "Hey! White flag here. I quit."

Buffy: "Let me clear this up for you. We're mortal enemies. We don't get time-outs." -Becoming, Part II

Spike: "You want to go around, pet, I'll have a gay old time of it. You want to stop Angel... we're gonna have to play this a bit differently." -Becoming, Part II

Buffy: "What are you talking about?"

Spike: "I'm talking about your ex, pet. I'm talking about putting him in the bloody ground." -Becoming, Part II

Joyce: "Have we met?"

Spike: "You hit me with an ax one time. Remember? Uh, 'Get the hell away from my daughter!'"

Joyce: "Oh. So, do you, uh, live here in town?" -Becoming, Part II

Buffy: We're not friends. We never were. And I can fool Giles, and I
can fool my friends, but I can't fool myself. (shakes her head) Or
Spike, for some reason. What I want from you I can never have. You don't
need me to take care of you anymore. So I'm gonna go." -Lovers Walk

Spike: (yells) What do you know? It's your fault, the both of you! She belongs with me. (sobs) I'm nothing without her.

Buffy: That I'll have to agree with. You're pathetic, you know that?You're not even a loser anymore, you're a shell of a loser.

Spike: Yeah. You're one to talk. (goes back to looking for stuff)

Buffy: Meaning?

Spike: (faces them) The last time I looked in on you two, you were
fighting to the death. Now you're back making googly-eyes at each other
like nothing happened. Makes me want to heave. Oh, yeah. You're just friends.
You're *not* friends. You'll never be friends.
You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag,
and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be
friends. (points at his temple) Love isn't brains, children, it's
blood... (clasps his chest) blood screaming inside you to work its will.
*I* may be love's bitch, but at least *I'm* man enough to admit it. -Lovers Walk

Spike: She just left. She didn't even care enough to cut off my head or
set me on fire. (sniffs) I mean, is that too much to ask? You know? Some
little sign that she cared?He pauses for a moment to inhale and exhale deeply.
Spike: It was that truce with Buffy that did it. Dru said I'd gone
soft. Wasn't demon enough for the likes of her. And I told her it didn't
mean anything, I was thinking of her the whole time, but she didn't
care. So, we got to Brazil, and she was... she was just different. I
gave her everything: beautiful jewels, beautiful dresses with beautiful
girls in them, but nothing made her happy. And she would fliiirt!
(sniffs) I caught her on a park bench, making out with a *chaos* demon!
Have you ever seen a chaos demon? They're all slime and antlers. They're
disgusting. -Lovers Walk

Spike: So I'm strolling through the park, looking for a meal, and I
happen to walk by, and she's making out with the chaos demon! And so I
said, 'You know, I don't have to put up with this.' And she said,
'Fine!' So I said, 'Fine, do whatever you like!' I mean, I thought we
were going to make up, you know.

Joyce: (sits across from him) Well, she sounds very unreasonable.

Spike: She is. She's out of her mind. (sniffs) That's what I miss most
about her. (smiles)

Joyce: Well, Spike, sometimes even when two people seem right for each
other, their lives just take different paths. When Buffy's father and I...

Spike: (interrupts) No, this is different. Our love was eternal.
Literally. (calms down) You got any of those little marshmallows? -Lovers Walk

Angel: Spike.

Joyce: [To Angel] Oh, my God. Get out of here!

Spike: (gets up behind Joyce, smiling) Yeah. You're not invited.

Joyce: He's crazy. He'll kill us.

Spike: Not while I breathe. Well, actually, I don't breathe. (taunts Angel)

Angel: Joyce, listen to me.

Joyce: You get out of this house, or I will stake you myself.

Spike: You're a very bad man.

Angel: (seething with anger) Joyce, you can't trust him. Invite me in.

(Spike makes like he's going to bite Joyce, teasingly.)

Angel: You touch her, and I'll cut your head off!

Spike: Yeah? You and what army?Buffy comes up behind him.

Buffy: That would be me.

-Lovers Walk

"Hello, cutie." -Becoming

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