A Spike Timeline


Synopsis of Spike's experiences in Sunnydale

(Above, from "Becoming")

Season II:

Episode 15.) School Hard - Spike and Dru are introduced to viewers. Spike being a 200-year-old vampire, "William the Bloody" who used to be taught by Angel(us). Spike and vampire gang crash Parent Teacher Night, and it is up to Buffy to save the day. (Buffy's mom is still clue- less that they are vampires in Sunnydale; although she hits Spike over the head with an axe, telling him, "Stay the hell away from my daughter.") Spike kills the Annointed One at the end of the episode, putting him in sunlight, and he and Dru go off to watch TV.

Episode 16.) Halloween - Spike has another vampire video tape Buffy's slaying action, in order to study it so he can fight against her. (Dru predicts Buffy will become weak some how on Halloween, from "an outside force.") Spike goes to fight Buffy when she is weak in her costume, but she returns just to being Slayer-ish just in time, and scares Spike so he runs away.

Episode 17.) Lie to Me - Buffy's old boyfriend, Ford, come to town, and sides with Spike secretively. He knows Buffy is a Slayer, and will make a deal with Spike: if Spike turns him into a vampire (so he can live forever), he will catch Buffy. Meanwhile, Angel reveals that he was responsible for Dru's death (he had been obsessed with her, tortured her, and turned her into a vampire.) At nighttime, Ford and his vampire-wannabe friends gather in a group. Buffy holds Dru and tells Spike she'll kill her if Spike doesn't let everyone go. Spike does as she says. (Ford does, however, turned into a vampire... and Buffy slays him the next night.)

Episode 19.) What's my Line? Part I and Part II - Spike is eagerly looking for a cure for Drusilla, to restore her strength back to normal.

Spike steals a coffin pillow adorned with a cross, part of the cure he is working on. With the transcriber, Spike finds the exact cure. Angel is kidnapped, sent to Spike and Dru's place, to be used in the cure, which will leave Angel dead. The cure is to drain Angel's blood into Dru's power... Buffy stops it before Angel is killed, and most of the room they were in goes down in flames. Spike is injured. Dru has her strength, however, and carries Spike. As the Buffy webpage says, "She's back, and she's bad."

25/26) Surprise/Innocence - Buffy has a nightmare about Dru killing Angel, even though she and her gang all think Dru is dead. When Buffy tells Giles and Jenny (sniff) about her dream, Giles tells her it IS possible that Dru could still be alive. That is when we see Spike and Dru at the factory, with Spike in a wheelchair, but still functioning. Dru is planning a party. (The party is really to assemble the evil Judge.)

Episode 28) Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - Spike gives Dru a necklace for Valentine's Day, which doesn't pair up to the heart Angel gives Dru. Spike gets a bit tired of having Angel one-up him with everything he does.

Episode 29.) Passion - Spike grows tired of having Angel around, stealing all of Dru's attention. What Spike doesn't know is that soon Angel will be gone. This is the episode in which Angel murdered Jenny, giving Buffy enough pain to kill him in the next fight she has with Angel, unlike the past where she could not stand to yet.

Episode 31.) I Only Have Eyes for You - Angel takes Dru out for blood, leaving Spike all alone. Viewers see Spike stand and kick over his wheelchair... he has strength back, more strength than Dru and Angel know.

Episode 33.) Becoming (Part I) - A big museum artifact is is put in Sunnydale, a large stone with special meaning to Angel, Dru, and Spike, who retrieve it from the museum. Angel and Dru plan for demon Acathla to swallow the world, but we soon know Spike may have his own plans. Dru is busy killing Kendra in the library (sniff), and she doesn't see Spike get up to roam Sunnydale.

Episode 34.) Becoming (Part 2) - When a cop recognizes Buffy and tries to tell her to stop, while she's still suspected for the murder of Kendra, the unlikeliest person comes to save her.... Spike. He beats the cop unconscious, looks and Buffy, and utters a simple, "Hello, cutie." Spike explains to Buffy he doesn't want the world taken over. He likes it how it is. "Happy meals on legs," he explains, but asks for her help in this. If she can stop Angel, he'll leave town with Dru and never return. Buffy hits him and he hits back. "I hate you," she tells him. "And I'm all you've got," is his reply. They decide to go inside and plan their attack. Joyce comes home at that moment, and sees Buffy stake a sole vampire. Buffy has to explain what she is: the vampire slayer. Inside, they compromise a plan, Dru in order for Giles' safety.

They must act quick. Spike realizes he recognizes Joyce, back from the School Hard episode. (This is when Joyce throws Buffy out of the house, for Buffy must run off without explaining. There's no time.) At the mansion, Buffy stakes some vampires while Spike takes on Angel, until Dru throws herself at him to stop. Buffy and Angel then have their last sword fight, and Spike leaves with Dru, knocking her out so that she is easier to carry, putting his arm around her in the car so that she really is his.

Season III:

Episode 42.) Lovers Walk - Personally, one of my favorite episodes of Buffy, Spike returns only this once in the 3rd season, this time without Dru. Dru has left him ("For a chaos demon!") and he wants Willow, the aspiring witch, to make a spell to bring her back. There are too many good scenes in this one to describe -- Spike lonely without Dru, Spike telling his breakup story to Buffy's mom over hot chocolate and marshmellows, and Spike's monologue about love to Angel and Buffy -- until the end of the episode in which he inquires, "Love is a funny thing", sets on his way to win back Dru, driving on the freeway, singing along to the Sex Pistol's "My Way" [Note: In many interviews, the characters of Spike and Dru had been compared to Sid and Nancy... Sid Vicious being a member of the Sex Pistols. The version Spike was singing along to, however, was Gary Oldman's version, of him portraying Sid Vicious in the movie.]

"I did it myyyy waaaay..."

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