Top 10

Reasons Spike Is A Cooler Vampire Than Angel

10.) His bleached blond hair is very in, and looks very cool.

9.) He could've taken over the world when he had the chance to help Angel, but he didn't want to. Even though he is a vampire, he's not as thoughtless as some.

8.) He took care of Dru for so long and was always sweet to her. He tried to make her happy all the time. And then, she dumps him! How ungrateful!

7.) He gets some of the best one-liners. "No, you ninny, she read it in the morning paper."

6.) He and Buffy really would make an adorable couple. Their bantering is quite appealing.. the next Pacey and Andie! (Sorry, had to encorperate SOME Dawson's Creek into this site.) There's some kind of unspeakable truce between them. Buffy could've slayed him many times, but she didn't.

5.) He has good taste in music.

4.) He admits his weaknesses. "I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."

3.) He's not ashamed to cry because he misses Dru.

2.) He is always right, with whatever he says. About Buffy and Angel especially. "You'll never be friends."

1.) That accent. Producers asked James Marsters to try both a Southern and an English accent, and I'm glad they went for the latter. Everything he says magnifies 10 times because of the way he sounds. Two words: "Hello cutie."

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